Monthly Archives: May 2016

Back to the future: Space-age exploration for pre-historic bones

Scientists roped in the use of high-tech laser scanning, photogrammetry and 3-D mapping technology to map Homo naledi’s Dinaledi chamber. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Deep, old water explains why Antarctic Ocean hasn’t warmed

Observed warming over the past 50 years (in degrees Celsius per decade) shows rapid warming in the Arctic, while the Southern Ocean around Antarctica has warmed little, if at all. The waters surrounding Antarctica may be one of the last … Continue reading

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hematitehearts: Beryl var Aquamarine with…

hematitehearts: Beryl var Aquamarine with Columbite Locality:? Locality: Shigar Valley, Northern Areas, Pakistan Geology Nerd

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Can magma crystals predict eruptions?

Blue phenocryst has well developed oscillatory growth zoning with some zonesshowing inclusions. Both crystals show sector zoning. Mineral crystals blasted out from volcanoes can provide a window into the powerful processes going on inside those volcanoes, say UK and German … Continue reading

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hematitehearts: Galena with Fluorite Locality:? Minerva No. 1…

hematitehearts: Galena with Fluorite Locality:? Minerva No. 1 Mine, Cave-in-Rock Sub-District, Hardin Co., Illinois. Geology Nerd

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Appalachian coal ash richest in rare earth elements

A study of the content of rare earth elements in U.S. coal ashes shows that coal mined from the Appalachian Mountains could be the proverbial golden goose for hard-to-find materials critical to clean energy and other emerging technologies. In the … Continue reading

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unearthedgemstones: Electric blue and purple fluorite…

unearthedgemstones: Electric blue and purple fluorite crystal! Geology Nerd

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How a huge landslide shaped Zion National Park

A computer-simulated time sequence of the gargantuan Sentinel landslide in Zion Canyon 4,8000 years ago is shown here. The first six frames show the progress of the rock-avalanche landslide, which lasted about a minute. Darker brown indicates thicker slide deposits, … Continue reading

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rockon-ro: AZURITE and MALACHITE (Copper Carbonate) from…

rockon-ro: AZURITE and MALACHITE (Copper Carbonate) from Hubei Province, China. Geology Nerd

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Tiny ‘vampires’: Paleobiologist finds evidence of predation in ancient microbial ecosystems

A paleobiologist has found evidence of predation in ancient microbial ecosystems dating back more than 740 million years. Using a scanning electron microscope to examine minute fossils, Porter found perfectly circular drill holes that may have been formed by an … Continue reading

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