Monthly Archives: July 2017

What caused the world’s greatest extinction?

Researcher offers new clues to what may have triggered the world’s most catastrophic extinction, nearly 252 million years ago. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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hematitehearts: Smithsonite Psm Calcite Locality: Kamariza…

hematitehearts: Smithsonite Psm Calcite Locality: Kamariza Mines, Lavrion, Attica, Greece Geology Nerd

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Beautiful Carminite and Segnitite from Hungary

Carminite and Segnitite  Carminite | ‪#‎GeologyFormula: PbFe23+(AsO4)2(OH)2System: OrthorhombicLustre: Vitreous, PearlyDiaphaneity (Transparency): TranslucentComment: Lustre pearly on cleavages.Colour: Carmine-red, terra cotta-red, reddish brown; red in transmitted light.Streak:Reddish yellowHardness (Mohs):3½Tenacity:Brittle From: Meleg Hill, Hungary Photo Tóth László  Geology IN

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hematitehearts: Hematite Locality: Lagno Amendolare,…

hematitehearts: Hematite Locality: Lagno Amendolare, Sant’Anastasia, Somma-Vesuvius Complex, Campania, Italy Geology Nerd

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Getting to the Root of Iceland’s Molten Rock Origins

 Molten Rock. New data reveal an unprecedented depiction of a region of partially molten rock deep within the Earth, which appears to be feeding material in the form of a plume to the surface, where Iceland is located. The finding, … Continue reading

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emeraldcityminerals:Clear gemmy lavender Elbaite on purple…

emeraldcityminerals: Clear gemmy lavender Elbaite on purple Lepidolite (see for chemical formulas).  From Mawi pegmatite, Nuristan Province, Afghanistan Geology Nerd

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Canadian Sapphires Fit for a Queen Now Unearthed

Sapphire Rough New Research Could Make It Easier to Find High-quality Canadian Sapphires New research from UBC mineralogists could make it easier to find high-quality Canadian sapphires, the same sparkling blue gems that adorn Queen Elizabeth II’s Sapphire Jubilee Snowflake Brooch. … Continue reading

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fenderminerals:Arsenopyrite Silvery Metallic Crystal Cluster…

fenderminerals: Arsenopyrite Silvery Metallic Crystal Cluster mined in China Geology Specimen, For a rockhound gemstone and mineral collection, Ore specimen Geology Nerd

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Getting to the root of Iceland’s molten rock origins

New data reveal an unprecedented depiction of a region of partially molten rock deep within the Earth, which appears to be feeding material in the form of a plume to the surface, where Iceland is located. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Scientists Set Sail to Unlock Secrets of ‘lost Continent’ Zealandia

Map showing the Zealandia ‘new continent’, a massive underwater landmass in the South Pacific that has never been properly studied. Scientists are attempting to unlock the secrets of the “lost continent” of Zealandia, setting sail Friday to investigate the huge … Continue reading

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