Brazil signs up to Milan Expo 2015

Brazil signs up to Milan Expo 2015 (ANSA) – Milan, November 1 – Brazil this week signed up for Expo Milano 2015, bringing the event’s participants close to the 140 mark and offering its farming expertise to the world’s fair, whose theme is “Feeding the Planet, Energy for Life”. Commissioner General of Brazil Mauricio Borges said the South American economic powerhouse would bring “a technological, cultural and at the same time social approach” to the highly anticipated event, which Italian Premier Enrico Letta says will boost Italy’s economy and influence on the world stage.

Within the 4,133-square-meter space at its disposal, Brazil will illustrate the technological efficiency Brazilian agriculture can count on, as well as the ability to blend foreign products and local ingredients as regards food preparation, Borges said.

Brazil, he said, will also “commit itself to spread the expertise and know-how developed in the domains of sustainable development and consumption, highlighting, through concerts, seminars, product tasting events and other cultural and entertainment initiatives, the importance of food as a social, political, economic and scientific unique integration tool”. Brazil’s Theme Statement is: “Brazil: feeding the world with solutions.” The upcoming economic power will be following “two major criteria”, Borges said, at pavilion: “innovation, to propose real and virtual visitors a never-seen-before themed and sensorial path, and sustainability, regarding the construction of the facility and its natural integration into the surrounding environment”.

Brazil, a contender to host the 2020 Universal Exposition in S

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