Dell’Utri admitted to Lebanon hospital

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 16 – Ex-Senator Marcello Dell’Utri, a former close aide of Silvio Berlusconi’s, has been admitted to Beirut’s Al Hayat hospital due to poor health, his lawyer in Lebanon told ANSA Monday. Dell’Utri was detained in Lebanon at the weekend after leaving Italy without permission. He is appealing a seven-year prison term for Mafia collusion to the Italian supreme court. The supreme Court of Cassation was set to rule on the case on Tuesday, but postponed proceedings after two of his lawyers in Italy presented certificates saying they were unable to attend due to ill health. On Friday the Italian authorities announced that Dell’Utri had gone missing and requested an international warrant for his arrested.BRThey now have a month to present the documentation for his extradition.BRDell’Utri told ANSA on Friday that he did not intend to flee Italian justice, saying he had only left Italy for medical treatments.BR/P
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