Grillo tells M5S militants to report ‘enemy’ journalists

Grillo tells M5S militants to report 'enemy' journalists (ANSA) – Rome, December 6 – Anti-establishment 5-Star Movement (M5S) leader Beppe Grillo on Friday called on militants to report press articles criticizing the party.

He also slammed journalist Maria Novella Oppo who works for newspaper l’Unita’, of which the center-left Democratic Party (PD) is a shareholder, for “publicly defaming the M5S whenever she can”. Grillo has repeatedly slammed journalists for alleged bias against his movement and said his party plans to abolish public financing to the press.

Maria Novella Oppo, Grillo wrote Friday on his blog, the movement’s mouthpiece, “is proud of the fact she has been working for Unita’ since the end of 1972. Since then, she has had no other employment and has been supported by tax payers for the past 40 years thanks to public financing to the press which the movement wants to abolish immediately”.

“Oppo will have to look for a new job,” he also wrote.

Grillo then concluded his post telling militants to look for articles written by “journalists like Oppo” for a new column on the blog – “The journalist of the day”.

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