IMF gives Renzi’s plan a nod of approval

P(ANSA) – Washington, April 9 – The newly outlined economic blueprint of Italian Premier Matteo Renzi was given a vote of approval by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) on Wednesday.BRThe agency praised Renzi for moving in the direction it said the IMF recommended, including reforms to spending plans and reducing labour costs, said the IMF’s Sanjeev Gupta.BRRenzi’s blueprint, called the Economic and Financial Document (DEF), was approved by cabinet Tuesday, and outlines the government’s plans to boost Italy’s weak recovery, as well as updating its macroeconomic forecasts.BRRenzi’s plans include as much as 10 billion euros in tax cuts for lower-income earners while redirecting spending to higher priority budget items.BRThe IMF on Wednesday also forecast the ratio of Italy’s deficit to gross domestic product (GDP) will average 2.7% in 2014, below 2013’s 3% ratio, and said the ratio will slide to 1.8% in 2015.BRAs well, it said Italy’s debt-to-GDP ratio will rise this year to 134.5% from last year’s 132.5%.BRThe ratio will then drop in 2015 to 133.1% and continue to fall to as low as 121.7% by 2019, said the agency.BROn Tuesday, the IMF released its World Economic Outlook that said growth in Italy will average about 0.6% in 2014, rising to 1.1% in 2015.BR/P
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