Indictments sought against top cop Pansa, 39 others

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Indictments sought against top cop Pansa, 39 others” src=”” (ANSA) – Naples, December 17 – Naples prosectors on Tuesday sought indictments against 39 people and 10 companies on waste trafficking and racketeering charges stemming from a series of trash crises in the southern city in recent years. Among those to be indicted are national police chief and former Naples prefect Alessandro Pansa, former Civil Protection Agency commander Guido Bertolaso and his deputy, Marta Di Gennaro, former Campania governor Antonio Bassolino and Corrado Catenacci, a prefect. PAll have been at one time special commissioner for the city’s rubbish emergency, except for Bertolaso who was secretary to the primier with responsibility for the waste crisis in Campania during Silvio Berlusconi’s 2008-2011 government./PPCampania, the region around Naples, has suffered repeated trash crises in recent years after running out of places to put its waste./PPIn January 2008, the region suffered a collapse in the rubbish-collection system./PPDespite drafting in the army to clear the streets, reopening old dumps and moving containers of waste out of Campania by ship and train, an estimated 40,000 tonnes of rubbish continued to line the region’s streets at one point./PPResidents in towns where some of the sites are located, worried about repercussions on their health, staged protests, often clashing violently with the police./PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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