Little Italy nel mondo


Little Italy is the name given to the Italian neighborhoods around the world. The communities of our fellow citizens are really numerous, from New York to Chicago via Dublin is not difficult to meet Italians and especially to come across restaurants and typical local, this also because the inhabitants of the Belpaese tend to retain strong roots and traditions. If you happen to go to Boston and you are in the mood for a pasta dish worthy of the name passed to the North End neighborhood. At Chicago, near West Side, there is a lively community of Italians. Near Blooms Lane, Dublin, there is theItalian quarter, inhabited by locals.


A large Italian community established itself also in Baltimore. Between Columbus Avenue and Broadway and Mason Street, San Francisco , there is a quarter Italian, obviously here you will feel at home. In Montreal there is a Petite Italie, while in Buenos Aires is the famous colorful neighborhood of La boca, founded by Genoese fishermen. The heart of Little Italy in San Diego is in his famous India Street.

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