M.V. Year X-Nr 520 of 10.04.2012balene in mare

Specifically, tour operators that offer this type of activity in the country charge about 5 million US dollars, to which we must add the induced generated by restaurants, nights in hotels and souvenir purchases. Adding up the various items can be reached the remarkable figure of 21 million dollars, according to estimates by MarViva, the regional Foundation, non-governmental and not for profit that operates in the Central Pacific. Its aim is to protect the coastal and marine resources in the area.

The whale watching in Costa Rica generates approximately 25,000 jobs, involving at least ten coastal communities that organise, taking account of environmental sustainability, tour to admire the great cetaceans especially during Whale National Marine Park.

Whales arrive from the North along the coast of Costa Rica from December to March and from the South from July to October. There are around 100,000 visitors that do this type of activity in the country.

According to a study carried out by the United Nations Environment Programme the 85% of the whales and dolphins around the world are under threat. Many species are hunted, others remain entangled in fishing nets.

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