Tag Archives: crystal

rockon-ro: Calcite (Calcium Carbonate) crystal cluster from…

rockon-ro: Calcite (Calcium Carbonate) crystal cluster from Pine Point, Northwest Territories, Canada. Geology Nerd

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fenderminerals:Clinozoisite Epidote Olive Green Crystal Cluster…

fenderminerals: Clinozoisite Epidote Olive Green Crystal Cluster with furry Byssolite Mineral Specimen Himalayan Gemstone, for a Geo rockhound collection Geology Nerd

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fenderminerals:Arsenopyrite Silvery Metallic Crystal Cluster…

fenderminerals: Arsenopyrite Silvery Metallic Crystal Cluster mined in China Geology Specimen, For a rockhound gemstone and mineral collection, Ore specimen Geology Nerd

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sacredearthgifts:Meet Smoky the Crystal

sacredearthgifts: Meet Smoky the Crystal Geology Nerd

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Interesting Sphalerite crystal from Germeny

Sphalerite Formula: ZnSSystem: IsometricColour: Yellow, light to dark …Lustre: Adamantine, ResinousHardness: 3½ – 4 From: Pit aid (Halsbrücke, Germany). Photo Credit: Lászlo Tóth Geology IN

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bijoux-et-mineraux:Transparent Euclase crystal on Mica – Euclase…

bijoux-et-mineraux: Transparent Euclase crystal on Mica – Euclase pegmatite, Boa Vista, Rodrigo Silva, Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil Geology Nerd

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rockon-ro: FLUORITE (Calcium Fluoride) crystal cluster from…

rockon-ro: FLUORITE (Calcium Fluoride) crystal cluster from Mexico. Geology Nerd

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mineraliety:Available on Mineraliety in the Crystal Habitats…

mineraliety: Available on Mineraliety in the Crystal Habitats shop is this pale pink Lemurian Crystal Beholder Lamp. Reminds me of a Himalayan salt lamp but QUARTZ!  ///////// mineraliety.com/shops/crystalhabitats/listings/crystal-beholder-lamp-pale-pink-lemurian-seed mineralia

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Giant Crystal Cave’s Mystery Solved

PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OSCAR NECOECHEA  How the crystals were able to grow so big. Its walls studded with crystal “daggers,” the Cave of Swords is closer to the surface, at a depth of nearly 400 feet (120 meters). While there are … Continue reading

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mineraliety:Available on Mineraliety in the Crystal Habitats…

mineraliety: Available on Mineraliety in the Crystal Habitats shop is this Pyrite choker necklace. It’s awesome when minerals are in their raw form ///////// mineraliety.com/shops/crystalhabitats/listings/pyrite-choker-necklace mineralia

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