Tag Archives: failed

Traces of failed Super-eruption in the Andes

The Chao volcano in northern Chile with a lava coul?e approx. 14.5 km long (centre of picture). The composition of the lava matches that of deposits of adjacent supervolcanic calderas. Chao erupted about 75,000 years ago, but zircon crystals in … Continue reading

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Pope urges compassion for failed marriages

IMG class=hide alt=”Pope urges compassion for failed marriages” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-84b3fecfbda7f73e201ca80bd08c2f33.jpg” (By Denis Greenan). P(ANSA) – Vatican City, February 28 – Pope Francis on Friday continued to strike new and conciliatory notes on contentious Catholic issues by preaching compassion for people in … Continue reading

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Costa Concordia’s back-up generator failed

(ANSA) – Grosseto, November 18 – A local court on Monday heard testimony on how the Costa Concordia’s back-up generator failed just moments after the 290-metre, 450-million-euro cruise ship crashed into rocks off the Island of Giglio on January 13, … Continue reading

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Court acquits man who failed to pay 180,000 euros in taxes

(ANSA) – Milan, October 24 – A court in Milan on Thursday acquitted an entrepreneur charged with evading VAT taxes of 180,000 euros. A preliminary hearings judge said the man, who owns a computer company, had not committed a crime … Continue reading

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