Tag Archives: Google

Google Glass in the operating room in Milan

P(ANSAmed) – Milan, 16 APR – the Google Glass ‘Earth’ in the operating room, for the first time in Italy, the Humanitas Institute in Rozzano (Milano): here experts may, during surgery, see ‘super sunglasses’ patient information and use voice commands, … Continue reading

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Google cerca grattacielo a NY per uffici


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Google, lenti a contatto con telecamera

PDopo la realizzazione dei Google Glass – che oggi 15 aprile vanno in vendita a tutti gli utenti, non solo gli addetti ai lavori, per un solo giorno e solo negli Stati Uniti – il colosso di Mountain View ha … Continue reading

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Sbarca in Italia Google Play Edicola

PArriva anche in Italia, dopo il lancio nei paesi anglosassoni, Google Play Edicola, nuova categoria del Google Play Store e una app per smartphone e tablet Android che consente di fruire delle fonti di notizie preferite in un’unica esperienza, che … Continue reading

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Google Glass Craft

PBeyond privacy concerns, there are many areas of work in which Google Glass are proving to have potential, of ‘resource’ rescue in emergency at basketball games room. For this reason, the Colossus of Mountain View has released a few days … Continue reading

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Google Glass, 72% American privacy fears

PA good portion of Americans that the Google Glass weaves does not fear the price of the device-$ 1500 at the time so the desarrolladores-sino rather its effects on privacy. According to a survey of Toluna published in AdWeek, 72% … Continue reading

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About Google launched Android Tv

PA few days after the launch of the tv’ Amazonas’, a sort of decoder that connects your TV to the web, Google seems to start up a similar device.

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Google is not responsible for illegal ads

PAn Internet search engine can not be responsible for ads published by “Google AdWords”. It is that you form of advertising that allows you to see published their listings in two ways: either through keyword options displayed in the “sponsored … Continue reading

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Amazon vs Apple e Google, lancia Fire Tv

PAmazon sfida Apple e Google e lancia ‘Fire Tv’, una piccola scatola nera per lo streaming media, che consente di guardare show e video in televisione. ‘Fire Tv’ ha un wi-fi dual-band e include le app Netflix, Pandora e YouTube./PPIl … Continue reading

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Steve Jobs wanted war with Google

PSteve Jobs wanted a “holy war” against the operating system Android in Mountain View and Google, and Apple has launched an “attack on Android”. It is the thesis presented by Samsung at the beginning of the process that looks at … Continue reading

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