Tag Archives: hospital

Dell’Utri admitted to Lebanon hospital

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 16 – Ex-Senator Marcello Dell’Utri, a former close aide of Silvio Berlusconi’s, has been admitted to Beirut’s Al Hayat hospital due to poor health, his lawyer in Lebanon told ANSA Monday. Dell’Utri was detained in Lebanon … Continue reading

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Mafia ex-head Provenzano rushed to hospital

P(ANSA) – Milan, April 9 – Former Cosa Nostra head Bernardo Provenzano was rushed to hospital in Milan Wednesday suffering from neurological problems shortly after a prison transfer.BRProvenzano, 81, has been held in high security since his arrest in 2006 … Continue reading

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Cyberbullying clinic opens at Rome hospital

IMG class=hide alt=”Cyberbullying clinic opens at Rome hospital” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/wpid-0f172dfe679ac7d3a9b9bdcf8233ae66.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, February 25 – Cyberbullies and their victims can now seek help and treatment at a special clinic at the Gemelli hopsital in Rome. PThe service is run in … Continue reading

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Vendola cleared in Puglia hospital project probe

(ANSA) – Bari, December 4 – Officials in the southern city of Bari said Wednesday they have dismissed an investigation into seven people, including Puglia Governor Nichi Vendola, on allegations involving a 45-million-euro health project. Investigators were probing the transfer … Continue reading

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Bocelli sings to raise funds for Rome paediatric hospital

(ANSA) – Rome, December 3 – Italian singer Andrea Bocelli on Monday night performed at the Vatican’s Nervi Hall to raise funds for the capital’s Bambin Gesu’ paediatric hospital. The concert, attended by 9,000 people including Vatican State Secretary Pietro … Continue reading

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Italian hospital must pay mother for poor prenatal screening

(ANSA) – Milan, October 17 – A Bergamo judge on Thursday ruled that the northern Italian city’s Riuniti Hospital must pay roughly 400,000 euros in compensation to a mother who gave birth to a boy with a severe malformation of … Continue reading

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