Tag Archives: population

Population boom preceded early farming

University of Utah anthropologists counted the number of carbon-dated artifacts at archaeological sites and concluded that a population boom and scarce food explain why people in eastern North America domesticated plants for the first time on the continent about 5,000 … Continue reading

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Largest dinosaur population growth study ever shows how Maiasaura lived and died

Research into a vast bone bed in western Montana has yielded the most complete life history of any dinosaur known. Paleontology News — ScienceDaily

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Largest dinosaur population growth study ever shows how Maiasaura lived and died

Research published in the journal Paleobiology is showing more about the life history of Maiasaura peeblesorum than any other known dinosaur. Decades of research on Montana’s state fossil — the ‘good mother lizard’ Maiasaura peeblesorum — has resulted in the … Continue reading

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Italy has Europe’s second-oldest population

IMG class=hide alt=”Italy has Europe’s second-oldest population” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/12/wpid-5a6fbacaf44a008e9ccd109cc6e6d8cb.jpg” (By Emily Backus) (ANSA) – Rome, December 19 – Italy has the second-oldest population in Europe after Germany, national statistical agency Istat said Thursday. P”The country’s high rate of survival, combined with … Continue reading

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