Tag Archives: press

Siri Scientific Press: A UK-based writer specialising in palaeontology

I’ve written this text as a abstract of how I established myself within the fossil publishing enterprise as a result of it could be of curiosity to a normal readership. First, slightly background about myself is so as. I’ve had … Continue reading

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Grillo blames ‘anti-Semite’ tag on press

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 15 – Gadlfy comedian-turned-politician Beppe Grillo on Tuesday blamed the press for painting him as an anti-Semite, after he outraged Jewish leaders on Monday with a blog post in which he borrowed from a classic Holocaust … Continue reading

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E-cigarette advocates say bad press, taxes killing sector

(ANSA) – Rome, December 12 – Bad press and new taxes are threatening the electronic-cigarette sector in Italy, an e-cigarette business leader announced on Thursday at a presentation in Rome. “In 2013, electronic cigarette sales fell by 50%, equal to … Continue reading

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Letta pledges to press on after confidence renewed

(By Christopher Livesay) (ANSA) – Rome, December 12 – Italian Premier Enrico Letta was emboldened Thursday after his government survived confidence votes in the Senate and House the night before. “Yesterday we took a commitment to a new beginning,” said … Continue reading

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International press hails Renzi win as ‘hope for Italy’

(ANSA) – Rome, December 9 – International media outlets have hailed the win of Florence Mayor Matteo Renzi at the center-left Democratic Party (PD) primary on Sunday as ‘the new hope in Italian politics’. The BBC noted in a profile … Continue reading

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