Tag Archives: problem

Trickle-down is the solution (to the planetary core formation problem)

Scientists have long pondered how rocky bodies in the solar system — including our own Earth — got their metal cores. According to new research, evidence points to the downwards percolation of molten metal toward the center of the planet … Continue reading

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Current local weather change fashions understate the issue, scientists argue

A new research on the connection between individuals and the planet exhibits that local weather change is just one of many inter-associated threats to the Earth’s capability to help human life. Geology News — ScienceDaily

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Thomas Jefferson’s mammoth problem

Author of the Declaration of Independence, creator of the University of Virginia, a Founding Father and third president of the USA, Thomas Jefferson was a pioneer. Of this, you are undoubtedly aware. And, like most pioneers, Jefferson fostered an interest … Continue reading

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No teeth? No problem: Dinosaur species had teeth as babies, lost them as they grew

Researchers have discovered that a species of dinosaur, Limusaurus inextricabilis, lost its teeth in adolescence and did not grow another set as adults. The finding is a radical change in anatomy during a lifespan and may help to explain why … Continue reading

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‘Cyclops’ beetles hint at solution to ‘chicken-and-egg’ problem in novel trait evolution

Beetles with cyclops eyes have given scientists insight into how new traits may evolve through the recruitment of existing genes — even if these genes are already carrying out critical functions. Strange & Offbeat: Fossils & Ruins News — ScienceDaily

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Re: Terra Mineralia +++ a problem with attachments occured +++

Maybe you’ll find another favorite, there are still many photos to be uploaded … … but at the moment it doesn’t work, I can’t attach any pictures to this message 🙁 Don’t know what happened, I first thought it could … Continue reading

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Doping a problem in amateur sports too

(ANSA) – Rome, December 4 – Doping is a problem in amateur as well as professional sports in Italy, according to the health ministry. In a report released Wednesday, 22 amateur athletes tested positive for drugs in the first six … Continue reading

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Summit deal means migrant crisis ‘now an EU problem’

(By Sandra Cordon)(ANSA) – Rome, October 25 – European Union leaders agreed Friday on new, collective measures to cope with Italy’s migrant crisis, demonstrating that the problem is now shared by all of Europe, said Premier Enrico Letta.Even as he … Continue reading

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Berlin says Italy must solve Priebke problem

(see related story) (ANSA) – Berlin, October 16 – The German government said Wednesday it was Italy’s responsibility to solve the problem of what should happen to Nazi war criminal Erich Priebke’s body. “Taking care of the deceased is the … Continue reading

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