Tag Archives: reforms

Pope urges finance, Curia reforms

P(ANSA) – Rome, May 2 – Institutional reforms, helping the needy, and setting high standards for public role models were all themes addressed by Pope Francis on Friday.BRThe pontiff, just days after a major international event where he canonized two … Continue reading

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‘Groundswell’ of support for reforms

P(ANSA) – Rome, May 2 – The government has received a groundswell of public support for its package of civil-service reforms aimed to weed out waste and create vacancies for young people.BR”More than 3,000 emails received in two days. Many … Continue reading

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Pres says reforms to refresh politics

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 11 – Italian Premier Giorgio Napolitano on Friday emphasized the importance of institutional reforms for the sake of “bringing back citizens to politics”. Speaking to a convention of the New Center Right (NCD) party, Napolitano’s remarks … Continue reading

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Forza Italia presses for fast reforms

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 9 – Tension continued Wednesday over proposed election reforms, as the centre-right Forza Italia pushed hard for quick approval while the centre-left Democratic Party (PD) insisted it be reviewed by a Senate committee.BRThe PD is maintaining … Continue reading

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Renzi affirms commitments to EU at summit, plugs reforms

IMG class=hide alt=”Renzi affirms commitments to EU at summit, plugs reforms” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-69507698d1723140ff38512a53268e81.jpg” (ANSA) – Rome, March 21 – Premier Matteo Renzi said at his first EU summit Friday that Italy’s stance regarding commitments to Europe “has not changed,” vowing to … Continue reading

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Renzi says Italy reforms will point way for EU

IMG class=hide alt=”Renzi says Italy reforms will point way for EU” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-247a8fc64c474e403d484cf22303759a.jpg” (By Sandra Cordon) (ANSA) – Rome, March 21 – As Italy continues getting its own fiscal house in order, it will be able to help lead the rest … Continue reading

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Renzi says key to focus on reforms, not deficit

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-3b9e06434fadea594b3dde4a737d4ccf.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Renzi says key to focus on reforms, not deficit” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-3b9e06434fadea594b3dde4a737d4ccf.jpg” (see related) (ANSA) – Brussels, March 20 – Italian Premier Matteo Renzi indicated it was more important his government and others focus on reforms … Continue reading

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Europe to support Renzi reforms says Barroso

IMG class=hide alt=”Europe to support Renzi reforms says Barroso” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-5bbf82f7d3ff016328841aa80e89d336.jpg” (By Christopher Livesay) (ANSA) – Brussels, March 20 – Feelings shifted from chilly to warm on Thursday following Premier Matteo Renzi’s meeting with European Commission President Jos

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OECD praises Italy’s labor-market, social-security reforms

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-240de278ad622a5aa8a9f0d6f08e8f8d.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”OECD praises Italy’s labor-market, social-security reforms” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-240de278ad622a5aa8a9f0d6f08e8f8d.jpg” (ANSA) – Paris, March 18 – The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) on Tuesday praised Italy’s recent labor-market reforms and an extension of social-security programs … Continue reading

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Merkel praises Italian premier for ‘courage’ with reforms

IMG class=hide alt=”Merkel praises Italian premier for ‘courage’ with reforms” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-82e794d83fca251cb895d650a5b5f847.jpg” (see related) (ANSA) – Berlin, March 17 – German Chancellor Angela Merkel on Monday praised Italian premier Matteo Renzi’s “courage” in making significant structural changes in Italy’s economy. During … Continue reading

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