Tag Archives: victims

Declassification ‘a duty to victims’

P(see previous) (ANSA) – Rome, April 22 – Italian Premier Matteo Renzi on Tuesday signed an order to declassify secret case files on long-held Italian mysteries including a 1980 airplane crash near the Sicilian island of Ustica, the 1969 Piazza … Continue reading

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Pope Francis listens in prayer as mafia victims’ names read

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-7609cf14c7a2ac0f7e8e036fde4c51e1.jpg” IMG class=hide alt=”Pope Francis listens in prayer as mafia victims’ names read” src=”http://www.mineralfossil.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/wpid-7609cf14c7a2ac0f7e8e036fde4c51e1.jpg” (See related) (ANSA) – Rome, March 21 – Pope Francis listened in prayer Friday as the names of 842 mafia victims were read … Continue reading

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Lung cancer, 1 million victims per year

(ANSA) – ROMA, 20 NOV – customize treatments and new therapy more effective molecular target thanks to a better understanding of the anomaly that me crazy and makes cells multiply endlessly: are the weapons with which you try to combat … Continue reading

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Priebke ‘met victims’ families’, says lawyer

(see related stories) (ANSA) – Rome, October 17 – Erich Priebke’s lawyer said Thursday that it was “not true” that the Nazi war criminal did not repent before he died aged 100 last week. He said that the former SS … Continue reading

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