Taxi driver dies in road-rage case, charges upped to murder

IMG class=hide alt=”Taxi driver dies in road-rage case, charges upped to murder” src=”” (ANSA) – Milan, February 26 – Prosecutors in Milan have upped charges of attempted murder to homicide against a pedestrian accused of hurling a pack of water bottles at a taxi driver who died from his head injuries. PAlfredo Famoso, 68, had been declared brain dead when doctors took him off life support Monday. He died late Tuesday. His alleged aggressor, Davide Guglielmo Righi, has been charged with murder./PPFamoso was assaulted Sunday night after failing to respect the right-of-way to two pedestrians at a crosswalk, police say./PPHe underwent emergency surgery but his injuries, including brain hemorrhaging, proved too severe. According to a reconstruction, the taxi driver abruptly halted at the crosswalk, triggering a fight with Righi, a 48-year-old computer consultant who had been crossing at the time with his eight-month-pregnant, 37-year-old companion. At the end of the argument, Righi threw a package of water bottles at Famoso’s face, a witness who was driving the car behind the taxi driver told investigators. Milan prosecutors retain that Righi accepted the risk of causing death when he hurled the water bottles at Famoso./PPWhether Famoso was killed by the impact of the water or his fall to the asphalt will be determined by autopsy./PP”The death to Alfredo Famoso was caused by a senseless and terrible act. No reason can explain that behavior. Now is the time to rally around his family,” Milan Mayor Giuliano Pisapia said./P
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