P(See related) (ANSA) – Rome, May 7 – Members of the opposition 5-Star Movement (M5S) occupied the Senate floor Wednesday in protest of a confidence vote on a controversial labour law moving through parliament.BRM5S Senators wearing T-shirts reading “Never Slaves” said they would not budge from their seats.BR”We will have to be taken away by force,” said M5S Senator Nunzia Catalfo.BRThe anti-establishment M5S party, which is led by comedian-turned-politician Beppe Grillo, staged a sit-in in the Lower House in January which ended in anger and some violence with lawmakers complaining they were slapped by opponents.BRThis protest was trigged when Reform Minister Maria Elena Boschi announced that the labour decree, part of a drive to simplify Italy’s labour-market regulations, would be put to a confidence vote in the Senate.BRThe decree has come under intense fire from trade unions, which say it will increase job insecurity and have complained about the government not consulting them over this and other measures. The decree is part of a drive to simplify Italy’s current myriad of different work contracts and benefits and help encourage firms to take on workers, especially young ones.BRUnemployment in Italy has reached a record high of 12.7% overall, while more than four in 10 under-25s seeking work are still jobless.BRThe government is presenting amendments to the decree to meet demands from some small centre-right minority parties on which the current government depends for its ruling coalition.BR/P
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