Nun in Italy to keep newborn baby ‘Francis’

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Nun in Italy to keep newborn baby ‘Francis'” src=”” (ANSA) – Rieti, January 17 – A 32-year-old nun gave birth late Tuesday to a baby boy at the S. Camillo De Lellis hospital in Rieti, central Italy on Friday. The sister, originally from El Salvador, was taken to the emergency ward of the hospital after strong pain she felt in her belly raised concern among her fellow nuns, who called an ambulance, according to unnamed sources. The baby weighed three and a half kilograms. PThe nun told hospital staff she was not aware of being pregnant, thinking that the pain she was in was just a severe belly-ache. She had in fact for many years been interning as a nun in the Campomoro convent, where the Piccole Discepole di Ges

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