AGCOM: 31/3 copyright operational rules

P(ANSA) – Rome, 28 MAR – shall come into force from Monday 31 March the regulation for the protection of copyright in the electronic communications networks adopted by the Council of the authority for communications guarantees on 12 December last. To submit claims and its management was prepared a specific area to be performed from the web site of the authority competent or directly at the address The system, developed in collaboration with the Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, provides for a specific procedure and innovative telematics will be completely in line with what was established by the digital administration code. To help and guide those who wish to report suspected violations and initiate the process provided for by the regulation, will be available online a user manual and a guide for filling in the electronic form. Coinciding with the start of the activities provided for in the regulations, the authority has developed a commercial, with the aim of promoting the use of the legal offer of digital works. “Informed, divertititi and share experiences with digital works: legal culture will continue to thrive” is the slogan of the spot aired by networks of radio and television for a few days, is also available on the web site
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