Alitalia convenes union leaders Tuesday

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 24 – National carrier Alitalia’s management has asked for meetings on Tuesday with its unions to discuss ways to lower labour costs, a condition for a investment by Etihad airline, sources said Thursday.BRHowever, Susanna Camusso, chair of the CGIL trade union federation, said no layoff plans are in the works for Alitalia employees.BR”As is well-known, there is an agreement in force on employment with the use of solidarity contracts and cassa integrazione (temporary state-subsidised lay-offs) by rotation,” she said after talks this week with Gabriele Del Torchio, Alitalia’s chief executive officer.BRPrevious rounds of talks on the Italian carrier’s plans were suspended in February when the unions asked for guarantees of Etihad’s investment before accepting new sacrifices by workers.BRIn mid-February, an agreement was reached for 1,900 temporary lay-offs designed to save as much as 80 million euros.BRA further 48 million euros of savings are being sought to meet the target of 128 million euros on labour costs to be saved overall under Del Torchio’s industrial plan for the airline.BRAbu Dhabi-based Etihad is considering an investment of up to 500 million euros in the cash-starved Alitalia.BR/P
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