Arno river in Pisa at highest level in 20 years
IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Arno river in Pisa at highest level in 20 years” src=”” (ANSA) – Pisa, February 11 – The Arno river peaked at 4.98 meters Tuesday, its highest level in 20 years, Pisa city authorities said. POriginating in the Apennine mountains, the 241-km Tuscan river flows through the cities of Florence, Empoli and Pisa before joining the Tyrrhenian Sea at Marina di Pisa./PPSevere rainfall over the past two weeks has swollen rivers and caused flooding and landslides throughout central and northern Italy./PPWater has damaged the wall of a 17th-century fortress in the Friuli town of Palmanova, near the border with Slovenia, and caused roads to collapse in two locations in the Tuscan city of Volterra, officials said Tuesday./PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED