Bank loans in Italy fell again in November
IMG class=hide alt=”Bank loans in Italy fell again in November” src=”” (ANSA) – Rome, January 10 – Bank loans to households and firms in Italy continued a long series of drops in November, the Bank of Italy said Friday. PThe central bank said loans to households and non-financial firms were 3.7% down in November on October and 4.3% down on the same month in 2012./PPThe data is a worrying sign as Italy’s attempts to return to growth after two years of recession will be hampered if families and businesses have trouble obtaining credit./PPEarlier this week Economy Minister Fabrizio Saccomanni called on Italy’s banks to stop the slide in lending./PPConsumer association Codacons said the data was an indictment of the country’s banks./PP”It’s incredible that companies and families are going to the wall, but the banks are hanging on to the money,” Codacons said./PP”If banks stop doing their job and lending money precisely when the Italian people need loans and liquidity, it’s obvious that the economic system gets jammed./PP”In short, the banks are continuing with their old vice of lending money to those who already have it or are too big to go bankrupt”./P
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