Berlusconi supporters outraged at ‘Senator-bribe indictement

Berlusconi supporters outraged at 'Senator-bribe indictement (ANSA) – Naples, October 23 – Berlusconi supporters did not hesitate to make their voices heard after a Naples judge on Wednesday indicted the ex-premier on allegations he bribed former Senator Sergio De Gregorio to switch political sides, bringing down the 2006-2008 center-left government of Romano Prodi.

”Nothing new on the Neapolitan front. The strategy of certain judges is clear, as are their ends. Justice reform is a must”, People of Freedom (PdL) House spokesperson Mara Carfagna commented via Twitter.

”Berlusconi is the victim of the umpteenth episode of clockwork justice. The leader of the largest center-right party finds himself crucified…but Italians know how to distinguish between good and evil, between those who worked on their own behalf and those who worked for the country”, charged Mariastella Gelmini, deputy PdL House whip. ”This is the umpteenth violent blow against the millions of voters who, time after time, have freely elected the most important political figure of the past two decades”, thundered the deputy Senate PdL whip Giuseppe Esposito.


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