Bonino says Italy needs to rebrand
IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Bonino says Italy needs to rebrand” src=”” (ANSA) – Rome, January 10 – Italian Foreign Minister Emma Bonino called for Italy to be presented in an elegant and intelligent way, likening its image to that of a dolphin, in contradiction to the current depiction of the nation like a worn-out siren waiting on a sea rock for admirers to come. Bonino made the comments at the annual International Business Advisory Council (IBAC) meeting attended by multinationals interested in or already doing business with the eurozone’s third largest economy. P”My proposal is that we should be like a dolphin robust, agile, intelligent, and also gracious, elegant and joyous,” Bonino said at the end of the meeting. Italy is currently viewed abroad like a “siren that is a bit tired, beautiful but that stays put on a sea rock waiting for someone to come and admire her. “Instead, we mustn’t’ lose our sense of play, our joy,” Bonino added./PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED