Category Archives: Nature



PAfter spending two weeks in the (sometimes unbearable) heat of Mexico, it was a relief to come home to the temperate climate of the Pacific Northwest. The winter rains are (slowly) subsiding, and I returned just in time for the … Continue reading

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PAfter spending two weeks in the (sometimes unbearable) heat of Mexico, it was a relief to come home to the temperate climate of the Pacific Northwest. The winter rains are (slowly) subsiding, and I returned just in time for the … Continue reading

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El Hombre es de la Tierra

PIt being Earth Day today, I thought I would start out this post with one of the inspirational quotes we found in Chiapas, at Centro Ecoturistico Causas Verdes Las Nubes (the final destination of our journey). /PIMG class=”size-full wp-image-1875″ title=man-belongs-to-earth-20140403_0633 … Continue reading

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El Hombre es de la Tierra

PIt being Earth Day today, I thought I would start out this post with one of the inspirational quotes we found in Chiapas, at Centro Ecoturistico Causas Verdes Las Nubes (the final destination of our journey). /PIMG class=”size-full wp-image-1875″ title=man-belongs-to-earth-20140403_0633 … Continue reading

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Early Snow in the Cascades

PThanks to everyone who pre-ordered my 2014 calendars through Kickstarter! If you missed out, you can now order on my website: 2014 Calendars/EM/PP~ ~ ~/EM/PPWinter has arrived a little early this year, and already the mountains are covered in several … Continue reading

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A Sandy Fantasy

PWhile the rest of Seattle gathered in front of their TV

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Early Snow in the Cascades

PThanks to everyone who pre-ordered my 2014 calendars through Kickstarter! If you missed out, you can now order on my website: 2014 Calendars/EM/PP~ ~ ~/EM/PPWinter has arrived a little early this year, and already the mountains are covered in several … Continue reading

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Good Morning Sunshine

PA few weeks ago my girlfriend, Aubrey, departed on a soul searching voyage through Central and South America, and meanwhile I headed north to Fairbanks to visit some friends, and hopefully see the Aurora. Unfortunately it was cloudy every night … Continue reading

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Desert Therapy

PLast week I visited sunny Pasadena to present the five years of scientific research I have been working on, and I

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Caged Birds Cannot Sing

PFor the past 2 months my girlfriend, Aubrey, has been in Mexico (and now Guatemala) on a soul-searching voyage. After living in Seattle her whole life, she decided it was time to stretch her wings and take off to explore … Continue reading

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