P(ANSA) – Florence, May 6 – Fear of a ‘crucifixion killer’ stalking Florence for at least 10 years have been raised by an attack on a woman strapped to a bar and tortured to death Monday. Police said Tuesday there were “six or seven similar cases” to that of the 26-year-old Romanian prostitute, Andrea Cristina Zamfir, found dead on the outskirts of the Tuscan capital after being sexually tortured and left to die slowly, struggling to free herself from her bonds. One was a prostitute who was rescued by police before she died in a nearby spot in March 2013, while another took place outside the city, in a picnic spot where the still-mysterious Monster of Florence in 1981 attacked one of the eight young couples who became his victims from 1968 to 1985.BRPolice said there was a “real possibility that a new serial killer is on the rampage”.BR”There are some cases that present similarities with what happened yesterday,” said Florence Flying Squad chief Lorenzo Bucossi.BR”We are reconstructing them, and in order to do so we are going to go back at least 10 years,” he said, adding that the victims who survived would be questioned again.BR/P
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