FI slams mag for urged leader jailed

P(ANSA) – Rome, May 2 – Leaders of the centre-right Forza Italia (FI) party on Friday blasted the magazine MicroMega for posting a petition saying three-time premier Silvio Berlusconi, belongs in jail. “MicroMega is micro on ideas and mega on bias. Its campaign against Berlusconi will prove a boomerang to the left. The more they attack our leader, the stronger he gets,” tweeted European MP Licia Ronzulli, who is the FI spokesperson for the European Parliament.BRMicroMega on Friday posted an online petition that declared, “Berlusconi’s freedom is an indecency,” and launched an appeal for the “certified offender” to go to “jail or under strict house arrest that radically limits (his presence) in the public arena, which instead he continues to tarnish with impunity”. The magazine called sentencing the billionaire media magnate, who is leader of the FI, to community service was “an affront to equal law for all”. By early afternoon the petition had collected 2,000 signatures.BRBerlusconi will start doing community service at a centre for the elderly on May 9, the Sacra Famiglia Catholic Foundation that runs the facility near Milan said Wednesday.BREarlier this month, a Milan court ruled Berlusconi could serve the remaining year of a four-year sentence for a 370-million-euro tax fraud at his media empire by working at least four hours a week at the centre.BRThe alternative was for the 77-year-old to be put under house arrest, as he is too old to actually go to jail under standard Italian legal practise.BRThe rest of the sentence is covered by amnesties.BR/P
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