Former prosecutor expelled for child porn on computer

IMG class=hide alt=”Former prosecutor expelled for child porn on computer” src=”” (ANSA) – Rome, January 10 – The Italian judicial self-governing body (CSM) on Friday expelled ex-prosecutor Paolo Remer from the ranks of the judiciary for possessing child pornography on his computers. PCassation Court prosecutor Betta Cesqui had pressed for the disciplinary measure, defining Remer’s loss of credibility as a magistrate “irrecoverable”. Remer, who worked many years for the court in the Calabrian town of Rossano Calabro, in southern Italy, had been suspended for three years pending the outcome of his case./PPRemer is accused of downloading pictures of nude children “in obscene poses and in sexual activities also with adult subjects,” and of storing the images at length on both his desktop and portable computers./PPRemer has repeatedly denied wrongdoing, and said he stumbled into the images without ever willfully looking for them. Remer was convicted in a lower court. The ruling was then confirmed by a middle appeals court. The supreme Cassation Court, however, overturned the appeal’s court conviction on the basis that the crime had timed out under the statute of limitations. Remer has additional criminal and disciplinary proceedings pending for related issues./P
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