Former Sicily governor convicted of Mafia charge

IMG class=hide alt=”Former Sicily governor convicted of Mafia charge” src=”” (ANSA) – Catania, February 19 – Former Sicilian governor Raffaele Lombardo was sentenced to six years, eight months in jail by a judge in Catania after being found guilty of colluding with the Mafia on Wednesday. PThe judge also indicted Lombardo’s brother Angelo, a former MP for his Movimento per l’Autonomia (MpA) party./PPThe case was sparked by allegations Lombardo did favours for Vincenzo Aiello, a prominent member of the powerful Catania-based Santapaola clan./PPAiello was arrested in 2010 on a range of Mafia charges./PPLombardo quit as governor in July 2012 in light of the allegations, months after he initially said he would step down./PPHe had been at the helm of the regional government since 2008./P
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