Four Lithuanians probed for Italian teen murder in Kent

Four Lithuanians probed for Italian teen murder in Kent (ANSA) – London, October 23 – Four Lithuanian nationals have been placed under investigation in connection with the murder of 19-year-old Italian Joele Leotta in Maidstone, Kent, local police said.

They did not say why Leotta was killed, other than saying the murder was not racially motivated.

The waiter died after he was kicked and punched by a gang of men aged 21 to 45.

Police earlier said seven “European” men had been remanded in custody and two released.

Leotta, who may also have been stabbed in the attack, had travelled from his home in the northern town of Nibionno, near the city of Lecco, to Britain 10 days earlier to learn English and find work.

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