Gay Street commemorates activist murdered in Rome

IMG class=hide alt=”Gay Street commemorates activist murdered in Rome” src=”” (ANSA) – Rome, January 8 – The Gay Center, an association that a man whose body was found Wednesday in the River Tiber belonged to, and Gay Street, a community he frequented, will hang a banner in the Italian capital in remembrance of him on Thursday. PDaniele Fulli’s body was found with injuries to the groin and the back of his neck, which doctors say may be gunshot wounds. He may have been the victim of a homophobic murder./PPThe banner reads ”Goodbye, Daniele. We want the truth./PPYour friends”. The public have been encouraged to bring a flower or a letter for the victim and place it under the banner, located in the San Giovanni in Laterno area of Rome./PP”This is our first and immediate way of remembering Daniele as a community,” said Fabrizio Marrazzo, Gay Center spokesman, ”and of demanding that light be shed on the case so that his death is not left without truth and justice. We place our trust in those carrying out the inquiry”./PPMarrazzo went on to note that ”over 200 similar cases have been seen since the 1990s in Italy, especially in Rome. In most no one was ever found guilty”./P
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