Google introduces mobile-Lego

PModules that create project ‘Ara’, the Lego mobile from Google to build piece by piece, will be available to consumers in a kind of ‘app store’: from the camera to the battery, until more specific components such as a blood glucose meter. This is what was predicted by Big G two days dedicated to developers which took place in California. And the project could exceed smartphones horizon to encompass even the tablet./PPPresented in October of the year passed, Ara ‘ projects ‘ was initially developed with Motorola Mobility and then remained under the aegis of Google from the Advanced Technology Department who oversaw is one of the few ‘pieces’ of the giant phone that Big G has not sold to Lenovo./PPThe conference dedicated to developers of projects, the first of three to be held this year, was shown a prototype (the ‘real’ arrives in September) and confirmed that the Movil-lego will come on the market next year, from $50 for the ‘grey’ skeleton. This ‘ brick ‘ (to produce 3D printers) users can ‘commit’ other modules, to be purchased from an online store. Also in the pipeline is an application that helps you to choose the most appropriate modules. The Android operating system now supports a ‘modular’ system, but will be ready after an update scheduled for the beginning of the year 2015. In addition, according to the Android community blog, though not explicitly announced, since the Google it seems that seeing the Ara project can encompass tablets and portable devices.(ANSA).BR/P
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