Google will face traffic city car

PGoogle driverless car prepares to face potentially urban paths full of ‘traps’: pedestrians, other cars, cars in double row and bicycles. The progress of ‘ Self-car of ‘ giant Californian so far tested in carretera-es shown in a video that the company has released today on his blog. In the film you will see the car drives only in the company of the cross roads at home in Mountain View, California, internet giant./PPThis is a significant step forward, says that Google, because in an urban context, perhaps congested by traffic, is much more complex than take the car in a straight line. “Hundreds of different objects that move,” writes Chris Urmson, the project manager of ‘ Self-car of ‘. To do so, he added, “we have improved our software so that you can identify these ‘ objects ‘simultaneously’, including pedestrians, buses, gestures as a sign made by cyclists, and much more. In the video he had published on the Internet car through the streets surrounding the Googleplex, the headquarters of the Californian giant./PP”We still have many problems to solve – continues Urmson, including to ‘teach’ to the car to drive even more roads in Mountain View before tackling another city.

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