In the mood for a NAP? There are Google NAPs

PIn the mood for a NAP while you walk? Having a website for this: Google called NAPs and is a parody of the famous Google Maps service, maps. A web version concrete thrown by two Dutch designers: enabling geolocation, review NAPs Google map the best places for a ‘panangin jhun’, mostly parks and banks around the world. At invent it two types of Dutch creative agency Kakhiel, which signature Venour and Biko./PPThe intention of parody in Google Maps is blatant and openly, so that – in order to avoid possible legal reprisals by the Colossus of Mountain View-creative people have left in a message to the founders of Google and the other employees, specifying that it is a joke. “We don’t want to damage your brand or something, but just to smile all fans of Google – type. So please do not citateci, we only have a few dollars in the Bank. And we will not even go to prison because we are too busy with other things at the moment. “The places”by jhun panangin”NAPs are indicated by Google from time to time added by users. Especially when it comes to banks or public spaces such as parks.BR/P
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