Interior minister condemns violence at ‘pitchfork’ protests
(see related) (ANSA) – Rome, December 10 – Deputy Premier and Interior Minister Angelino Alfano on Tuesday condemned violence and vandalism surrounding the so-called Pitchfork (Forconi) Movement, now in its second day of blocking or slowing transportation in a number of cities in Italy.
“The line in the sand is respect for law and order and democracy, meaning we’ll support those who protest peacefully, but it must be done in accordance with the law. We won’t allow our cities to go up in flames,” he said. Acts of violence have so far ranged from assaults on tax revenue agencies and rock throwing at police, 14 of whom were injured in demonstrations by the end of Monday. Alfano also denounced demonstrators swarming stores and shopping malls, forcing shoppers out and scaring owners into closing. “Such threats are unacceptable,” he said.