Interior minister knew Ablyazov was wanted, ex official says

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Interior minister knew Ablyazov was wanted, ex official says” src=”” (see previous) (ANSA) – Rome, January 13 – The ex-chief of staff of Italy’s interior minister on Monday told investigators that his former boss was unaware of who was actually involved in the controversial May 31 deportation from Italy of the wife and daughter of Kazakh dissident and oligarch Mukhtar Ablyazov. P”(Interior Minister Angelino) Alfano knew Ablyazov was being sought by the Kazakhs, but he did not know the matter involved his wife and daughter,” said Giuseppe Procaccini, who resigned last summer when the incident came to light. (photo: Interior Minister Angelino Alfano) /PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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