Italian Premier Letta calls for government, electoral reform
IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Italian Premier Letta calls for government, electoral reform” src=”” (ANSA) – Mexico City, January 13 – Italy must streamline its top-heavy, unwieldy government, reduce red tape and reform its electoral law in order to avoid years of political gridlock and revive its flagging economy, Italian Premier Enrico Letta told the Mexico-Italy Business Council on Monday. P”We have been experiencing endless political crises because our Upper and Lower Houses are elected under two different laws, which leads to two different majorities, leading to unstable coalition governments,” the premier told business leaders from both countries on the second of this three-day official visit to Mexico./PP”We need an electoral law that works. We need fewer MPs, and those who do get elected must be legitimized and strong,” the premier went on./PP”Finally, we must cut the bureaucratic red tape in order to attract investments”./PPItaly is currently Mexico’s third-largest trade partner in Europe, while Mexico is Italy’s second biggest trade partner in Latin America./PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED