Man critically injured in attempted suicide with police gun

IMG class=hide alt=”Man critically injured in attempted suicide with police gun” src=”” (ANSA) – Trieste, March 12 – Authorities on Wednesday said a 21-year-old Afghan national who stole a policeman’s gun in the north-eastern city of Trieste and tried to commit suicide is in critical condition and not dead, as early reports had suggested. PThe immigrant is being treated at the local hospital of Cattinara./PPSecurity officials said he had gone to the police station to have his residence permit renewed./PPOnce in front of the police station, however, he reportedly pushed a police officer who was helping a person at the front door and when the policeman fell down he stole his gun./PPThe immigrant then ran away firing in the air before shooting himself in the head when he realized policemen following him were about to catch him./P
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