Milan bourse rising in line with other European listings

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Milan bourse rising in line with other European listings” src=”” (ANSA) – Milan, February 24 – Italy’s stock exchange ended the day’s trading on the rise Monday in line with other European listings. PThe FTSE Mib was up 0.42% at 20,477 points at the end of the session. Madrid’s IBEX 35 rose 1.2% to 10,193.10 points, Paris’s CAC 40 by 0.87% to 4,419.13, Frankfurt’s DAX by 0.54% to 9,708.94 and London’s FTSE by 0.4% to 6,865.86. The yield on 10-year Italian bonds was at 3.62% on Monday evening, while the spread between 10-year Italian paper and the ultra-safe German bund was at 194 basis points./PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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