MP ejected from House in immigration row

P(ANSA) – Rome, April 16 – An MP from the anti-immigrant Northern League was ejected from the House Wednesday for refusing to yield the floor during a rancorous session on undocumented immigration. Emanuele Prataviera was kicked out by House Speaker Laura Boldrini after yelling at Interior Minister Angelino Alfano, who was briefing MPs on measures to deal with thousands of incoming migrants from across the Mediterranean, including setting up emergency reception centers through local police departments. MPs from the League interrupted Alfano throughout his address. At one point the leader of the New Center Right (NCR) party responded by accusing the League of “wanting the deaths” of migrants at sea, recalling League founder Umberto Bossi’s infamous call to “open fire” on vessels with immigrants aboard. After a brief suspension, the session reopened with League MPs absent in protest.BR/P
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