Ndrangheta suspected in Nice shooting

P(ANSA) – Paris, May 7 – The elderly heiress of a real-estate dynasty based in Monaco on Wednesday remained in serious condition after being ambushed by gunfire outside a hospital in Nice late Tuesday.BRInvestigators suspect Italy’s powerful ‘Ndrangheta mafia, the country’s most lucrative and international organized-crime group, may be behind the attack. “Even if for the moment the investigators are not favoring one lead over another, the Italian mafia could be at the root of this attack,” wrote French news site LeFigaro.it.BR”Counterintelligence deems the ‘threat’ serious, evoking suspicions of infiltration by the Calabrian mafia from Ventimiglia,” the news source wrote, speaking of a town that lies on the coastal border between France and Italy.BRHelene Pastor, 77, was shot in her car at the exit of the parking lot of the L’Archet Hospital in Nice, where she had gone to visit her hospitalized son.BRPastor and her driver were both seriously injured in the shooting.BR/P
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