New Northern League chief slams Letta amid protests

New Northern League chief slams Letta amid protests (see related) (ANSA) – Rome, December 11 – The newly elected leader of the regionalist and Euroskeptic Northern League slammed the government of Premier Enrico Letta amid rising anti-government sentiment, encouraging protesters to occupy parliament after government confidence votes.

“Letta is digging a ditch by obeying all the orders from Brussels,” he said as protesters from the Forconi (Pitchfork) Movement mounted their third day of protests against austerity-driven tax hikes, and while the government awaited a confidence vote in Senate after surviving one in the House.

“And then he’s surprised by the Pitchfork Movement,” added the opposition figure. “(The protesters) should come inside parliament after the confidence votes”. Protesters have threatened to mount a large-scale demonstration in Rome if the government survives both votes. Salvini, a 40-year-old MEP, beat Northern League founder Umberto Bossi in a vote of party supporters at the weekend to become the League’s new leader.

Pitchfork Protesters have ranged from disgruntled truckers and farmers to far-right-wing elements.


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