PA technology ‘nose’ to avoid wine knows Cap: is the goal, through a sophisticated electronic sensor, a European research project coordinated by the University of Tor Vergata. The sensor placed on the bottling line, is able to hear the ‘smell’ of trichloroanisole, the substance produced by molds that contaminate the CAP. The project is still in the early stages, the first prototype device shall be tested with the collaboration of two wineries./PPIn order to limit the problem wine producers have abandoned in recent years, the use of Cork for plastic materials that provide greater sterility. “This is not the same thing although Dini explained – and so we are trying to make a device able to check a few moments before bottling, the Cork is not contaminated.” This is a sensor placed on the filling line capable of hearing the smell of the trichloroanisole, the substance produced by this ‘enemy’ molds feature. The project is still in the early stages, the first prototype device shall be tested with the collaboration of two wineries, a manufacturer of lambrusco di Modena and a Portuguese Oporto manufacturer.BR/P
pa href=”http://www.ansa.it/sito/notizie/tecnologia/software_app/2014/03/21/Naso-tech-contro-vino-che-sa-di-tappo_4c73ef6f-afa9-45f9-a2b2-f4b1254e767d.html” target=”_blank” rel=”nofollow”View the original article here/a/p