Number of foreigners living in Italy rising, Istat says

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Number of foreigners living in Italy rising, Istat says” src=”” (ANSA) – Rome, December 23 – The number of foreign citizens living in Italy is on the rise, with Romanian nationals making up a fifth of the total, according to data released by national statistics office Istat Monday. The biggest increases in the inflow of foreign nationals into Italy were posted by people originating from Moldavia and the Ukraine, according to the 15th general population census carried out by Istat and published on Monday. PThe foreigners living in Italy originate from some 196 countries, though more than half are made up of Romanian, Albania, Moroccan, Chinese and Ukrainian nationals. Romanian citizens total over 820,000./PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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