Only 26% of Italian business executives are women

IMG title=”” alt=”” src=”” IMG class=hide alt=”Only 26% of Italian business executives are women” src=”” (ANSA) – Venice, January 14 – While almost one in two, or 46%, of Latvian managers are women, in Italy that percentage is just over one in four, or 26%, a D.A.S. legal expenses insurance company report showed Tuesday. PItaly lags behind most EU countries in terms of women business executives, followed only by Greece (25%), Macedonia (23%), Luxembourg (18%), and Cyprus (16%), against an EU average of 33%./PPFrance, Lithuania, Hungary and Slovenia, beat the EU average with 39% of female managers, followed by Poland (38%), Bulgaria (36%), and Sweden (34%)./PIMG id=mediaViewer title=”” alt=”” src=””ALL RIGHTS RESERVED

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