Police says tests on suspect show gunshot remains

P(ANSA) – Rome, May 6 – Rome police sources said Tuesday that forensic tests on Daniele De Santis, the AS Roma supporter suspected of shooting three Napoli fans before Saturday’s Italian Cup final, injuring one critically, seemed to have found traces of gunshot residue.BRThe tests are “compatible with gunshot material” the sources said, even though the results were partially negative.BRDe Santis, 48, denies the shooting.BRHe is under investigation for attempted homicide due to other evidence, reportedly including the accounts of three eye witnesses who say he opened fired after being attacked by Napoli fans. Ciro Esposito, the Napoli fan who was injured most badly, is critically ill in a Rome hospital and risks being paralysed from the waist down. The gun used on Saturday was found by the owner of a nearby disco behind a vase near the gates of a sporting club managed by De Santis, the sources said. They added that this was a few metres from where De Santis was found lying after being beaten by Napoli fans. The woman said she threw the gun in a rubbish container before going to help De Santis. Fingerprint tests will be conducted on the gun to try to confirm that De Santis had held it. The shooting sparked mayhem at the Cup final, which was delayed by over 40 minutes. Officials have denied reports that they negotiated with Neapolitan fans before authorising the kick-off of the match, in which Napoli beat Fiorentina 3-1.BR/P
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