P(ANSA) – Vatican City, April 23 – Pope Francis said Wednesday that “every effort” and “generosity” must be applied to help those who have lost their jobs. “Do not stand with folded hands,” the pope said at his weekly audience in response to a video message for help from workers in Piombino, a Tuscan seaside town.BRHe said he received the plea just one day earlier from workers at the Lucchini plant there, where jobs are threatened by the possible closure of a blast furnace, and called for “every effort of creativity and generosity” in the case.BR”Be assured of my closeness and my prayers,” he said in a message directed at the Piombino workers.BR”Do not be discouraged, the pope is close to you and prays for you”.BRhttp://popefrancisnewsapp.com/ /P
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